See also CourseNotes by Dr.Loke and Res2dinv圆4 / Res3dinv圆4 user manuals. More details are included in attached PDF.

Demo version of RES2DINV and RES3DINV should be enough for the small amount of data typically collected with LandMapper. Run RES3DINV on the newly created file.You may, indeed I think that the accuracy is dependent on the original input datum points. Extending the image analogy by giving each pixel a gray-scale depth, height maps essentially provide the same information. txt file for collating lines into 3D file as described below thomas.engel’s XYZ data is in nice orderly rows (rasters) and columns like a 2D image. dat files to import into RES2DINV (demo version should suffice). Conduct at least 3 parallel 2D lines surveys as described in LandMapper manual.dat files into 3D layout to run RES3DINV inversion and obtain 3D model of the subsurface.

The simplest layout combines three or more parallel 2D. However, for practical reasons (and certainly more so with manually switching instruments, such as LandMapper), most commercial 3-D surveys use a number of parallel 2-D survey lines with possibly some tie lines in a perpendicular direction. Ideally, a 3-D survey should be carried out using a rectangular grid of electrodes with measurements in different directions (Loke and Barker 1996). Although conducting 2D and 3D surveys manually with LandMapper is tedious and time-consuming, some of our customers (after gaining proficiency in 2D Dipole-Dipole tomography) have asked us about 3D survey.