AllowReloadWithoutAiming: Change hook to prevent aiming issues under certain conditions.EnableGCBlur: Add new blur mode, slightly improved to look better on modern high-definition displays.Moved OverrideCostumes to the Trainer tab.OverrideCostumes: Workaround crashes due to missing inventory models for some of Ada's costumes.The original mode (Type B), is still available in the config menu. MouseTurning: Added new MouseTurning type, enabled by default.Added CameraImprovements: Provides a small set of camera tweaks (KB/M only).Added EnableModExpansion: Enables patches/hooks for expanded modding capabilities, such as allowing enemy speed & scale to be defined when spawning.ini structure, so you will notice that some of your existing settings will revert to default. Note: This update changed some sections of the. Added "SmoothAnalogTurning ": Use analog directional input when moving forwards and backwards, similar to Resident Evil 5's type A/B controls.Added "DisableAutomaticReload": Disables automatic reload when firing a weapon that's out of ammo.ControllerTweaks: Added "SmoothAnalogTurning".Trainer: Added an ID Inspector tool for HUD objects.HUD tweaks: Added "RepositionHUD", "SmallerHUD", and "SmallerActionPrompts".Rewrite FixDisplayMode: Users can now choose their desired refresh rate in the game's own config menu.

Trainer/Freecam: Improve camera movement.Added "FixSilencedHandgunDescription" to fix some item descriptions in the merchant and examine subscreens.Trainer/Freecam: Invert Y axis if CFG_AIM_REVERSE flag set.Fix compatibility with the censored 1.0.6 version of the game's.Added "BalancedChicagoTypewriter": Changes how Leon's Chicago Typewriter works.Added "HideZoomControlHints": Hide zoom control reminders from the weapon scope and binocular HUDs.cfgMenu/F1 Menu: Added a search bar to help users quickly find a specific option.Added "SpeedUpQuitGame": Speeds up the unnecessarily slow screen fade that takes place after you press "Quit" in the game's main menu.Inventory Manager: Apply weapon upgrades to the currently equipped weapon.